Grindr Ads
Cheeky banners for popular meet-up app

Cigna SoCal
"Feel-Good" Campaign

Launch campaign work

Brand Identity

Student loan forgiveness campaign

Know Your Status
Awareness and educational site focused on getting people tested.

Rebrand of an ad agency.

Unbranded Speaker Program
A 360 support program for the community

Full supporting branded campaign

Weight Watchers

MetLife Trend Report
Employee Benefit Trends Reports

To Market Campaign
An example of an idea that continues to live on through additional launches.

Banana Magazine
First edition of a publiccation focused on Asian contemporary culture

Multi-faceted campaign to combat allergies, during the beautiful allergy season

100 Beats Per Minute
Award winning micro campaign delivers the knowledge and tools for hands free CPR

Thoughtful things...
Conceptual thinking and additional work that I am proud of

Comprehensive, responsive web site for horse show judges and seekers to post and search jobs.

Campaign Launch
Consumer campaign launch for HIV medication that included full art direction from concept to completion

Campaign Launch
Award winning consumer campaign launch across print and digital

Logos and packaging